The Founder.

Hi, I’m Carly!

And I guess you could call me the ‘founder’ of the initiative ‘Project Passion’.

I find introductions, particularly those on social media, difficult because I’m a person who struggles to put a label on themselves, and to be placed into a box.


If I had to do either of those things, I would mention that I am:

·        A primary school teacher (and have been for just over a decade!)

·        A self-published/Indie author (who struggles to promote her work)

·        A ‘sometimes’ poet (when the mood strikes)

·        A sporting enthusiast (hockey and soccer being two of my personal favourites)

·        A dancer (I’m totally embracing finding a new passion after 30)

·        A part-time artist (mainly in holidays or on girly nights in with friends)

·        An adoptive mother to two canine rescues, Astrid and Odin (I’m totally biased, but they’re pretty amazing!)


I think I struggle so much with labels and boxes because I don’t think I fit into just one…

And whilst that makes life difficult sometimes, I also think it’s a nice problem to have. I think we should all be striving for divergent thinking, multiple ‘lofty’ ambitions and a life that feels authentic to us.

I’m incredibly passionate about what I do (both teaching and writing), but I find that I really struggle to balance both aspects, as they’re both so important to me and hold so much value in their own rights.

So, in a way, I too, like so many other am still searching for that thing that’s going to light me up inside. My passion AND my purpose!

[Unless of course I’m destined to have multiple throughout my life and attempt to juggle them equally….]

In the meantime, I figured that if my passion is writing and my purpose is teaching, perhaps there’s a way to combine them both that benefits others and brings me joy?


Hence, ‘Project Passion’ was born.

A space where I plan to share the uniqueness, wonderment and pure magic of other people’s passions and projects.