‘Niu Health’ - Organic Tea, Personal Training & Boxing

When I started dreaming up this endeavour, I was really keen to start with small businesses and the passion projects of my loved ones. So, naturally, it’s my absolute pleasure to introduce the man behind the passion projects (and businesses) ‘Niu Health’ and ‘Niu Health Tea’. That man being my cousin, Ryan!

Now when I asked my lovely cousin to fill out the questionnaire that helps me formulate a blog on each passion project, I was pretty confident that unlike me (his younger, incredibly verbose cousin) he would be a man of few words. And I was right. Ryan’s humility is on par with his integrity and authenticity. He’s never been one to big note himself; an admirable quality in someone who has plenty to be confident about/proud of.

Ryan’s values and priorities were clear when I asked him tell me a little about himself (I’m aware of how awkward and silly that question is when you’re related, but bear with me!). He simply stated “I’m a husband and a father of 2 little girls. That pretty much sums up my day-to-day life. I spend most of my time with my girls going to and doing various activities.” Whilst this statement is down to Earth and true, I feel it only scratches the surface of our entrepreneur in focus…

Family is central to Ryan’s life philosophy. He spends a lot of time with his loved ones, particularly his immediate family. His adoration of his ‘girls’ can be seen in the beautiful nickname of ‘Queen’ that his gives his wife and the innumerable activities he takes his eldest daughter (one of our family’s little ‘pocket rockets’) to – Nippers, gymnastics, martial arts, Little Athletics, Rugby League…I’m dizzy and tired just thinking about it! Hence, it’s not surprising that his business uses a play on words around his mother’s/my aunty’s maiden name ‘Niumataiwalu’.

He's always had a gentle, caring and kind nature that made him approachable to people. I have very fond memories of sporting carnivals where as the older family member he would look out for me, ‘check in’ with me and even spoil me with treats from the canteen. I used to always be surprised by this, because he was so much cooler than me and went to a different school, I genuinely thought he would have ANYTHING else to do. But that was Ryan. Kind. Friendly. Funny. Observant. Thoughtful.

All the qualities of a great Personal Trainer and health specialist, in my personal opinion, but hey, you could say I’m a little biased!

Ryan and I both grew up in an athletic, ‘sporting mad’ family. In fact, I’d describe our family as an ‘NRL family’. Our grandmother, my mother, Ryan’s father, one of my aunties and both Ryan and his brother had one red eye and one white eye when it came to watching the St George Dragons growing up. Many a Sunday night were spent regaling how the referees had wronged St George or how the game was rigged. I think if I remember correctly, a young Ryan picked ‘St George’ as his confirmation saint! Hahaha.

A number of us defected though. One part of our family are diehard Sharkies supporters, Ryan’s mother loves Penrith because she though Brandy Alexander was a ‘good sort’, I went for the Rabbitohs, because I like rabbits [I cringe admitting that out loud] and my brother spent most of the early 2000s jumping ship between the Roosters and Warriors (or whoever was winning really..)

But we all loved our sport. Playing it – Rugby League, Oztag, Touch, Soccer, Hockey, Netball. Watching it. Footy tipping competitions. We were really into it.

As Ryan and his brother were particularly talented at Rugby League, and their Dad was a football coach, Ryan spent much of his adult life playing amateur and professional sport. Not that he would admit it you, because he’s humble, but they both also played NRL for Fiji on several occasions. I have particularly fond memories of watching an exhibition match of Fiji at Shark Park. They were awesome to watch.

Having spent so much time working on his physical health and fitness, to be in optimal shape as an athlete Ryan found himself being led down the path of personal training once he hung up his footy boots. As a Personal Trainer he soon learnt that training was only one aspect of physical health and of the 5 components of health. It was this realisation and his want to promote healthy lifestyle choices and a strong immune system for his eldest daughter that led him to herbal medicine. Studying herbal medicine at university and his love of drinking tea (although he does also vouch for ordinary hot water as a night-time ritual – I’m not game enough for just plain hot water just yet…) grew into the vision of starting his own herbal tea business. As both businesses were about health, it made sense to Ryan to have them both under the same banner/umbrella of ‘Niu Health’.

As a customer and not just an enamoured relative, I can guarantee the quality of ‘bang for your buck’! My husband and I have tried all three teas – the ‘Blood Elixir’ (it literally looks like blood, but DAMN does it taste good!), ‘Sleep Draught’ (a great anti-anxiety, natural sedative remedy for a better night’s sleep) and ‘Digestive Tonic’ (has worked wonders for my gut issues and when recovering from bouts of gastro! I’ve also given samples to friends and colleagues who’ve thoroughly enjoyed (and found benefit in) his product. I’ve also completed many a workout with Ryan, both as a boxing coach and personal trainer. He has such a supportive, intuitive style. Ryan really listens to what you want out of the session, what you need/how your body feels and the confidence/self-talk you’re exhibiting. I always walk away feeling like I’ve accomplished something and pushed myself that little bit further! [Not to mention that his core workouts and knee rehab have done wonders for my goal kicks and free kicks at soccer!

‘Niu Health’ is a hobby, side hustle and day job all in one for Ryan. The flexibility of his hours and having a home gym in his garage allows Ryan to balance his two priorities seamlessly – family and health. His family are his greatest inspiration. Trying to be the best possible example he can be for his daughters is his main aim. It is hoped that by raising them surrounded by healthy influences will make healthy choices natural and organic for them as they grow older. He really does live, and breathe, his work. There’s nothing he recommends or suggests that he hasn’t researched or trialled himself!

When I asked if there were any plans for growth and expansion on the horizon, I was excited to hear that there was! And not just in one direction either – which is awesome! In terms of tea, Ryan would like to explore creating and marketing some new blends (I’ll happily volunteer as ‘tribute’ for taste testing!). On the personal training front, he’s also looking to expand his brand by branching out into an online format. This will allow him to offer his programs and services online as well as face-to-face. Additionally, he’d like to incorporate his newly acquired knowledge/study on the Oxygen Advantage method into his personal training methods. And last, but not least, he’s also contemplating an organic clothing line. [Is there anything this guy can’t do? Seriously!]

And the ambitions don’t stop there! (And I’m here for it!) In terms of salary, the ‘end goal’ would ultimately be for 50% of Ryan’s income to come from his online business to compliment the face-to-face work he does. Whilst on the training front, he’d really like to introduce his breathwork and Oxygen Advantage training to some sporting teams. He’s aware of the incredibly positive implications it could have on athletic performance. I, for one, would love to see the latter come to fruition, because I think Ryan would be wonderful as a sport/performance coach. For a person who’s not education trained, he has a great way of explaining things, is observant and thoughtful and has wonderful social skills.

Interestingly, these weren’t far from the skills Ryan noted were important for someone working in his chosen field. He noted that having a good ear to listen attentively was vital. And it wasn’t just so that you can tailor programs and sessions to the trainee’s needs (although that is key). It was because being a personal trainer can also feel like being a counsellor. If you think about it, it makes sense. People exercise to take care of their physical and mental health, often after work. It’s unsurprising that as the trainer and trainee chat, problems and concerns rise to the surface. I can imagine that a lot of people unload their problems during a session as they work through their sets. I know I for one am guilty! (Sorry Ryan!) Boxing was amazing for angst, anxiety and anger. And PT is really good for mindfulness and clarity. I highly recommend giving either a go!

I knew that asking Ryan what his definition of ‘success’ was would be food for thought for myself (and possibly others) because he has such a calm, measured outlook on life. Ryan said “Probably just the ability to be happy in any given situation, regardless of any setbacks that might come through.” He’s so right. That positive outlook, resilience and steely resolve are so important when being an entrepreneur.

One of the struggles/setbacks that Ryan has faced with his two businesses, is a common theme amongst small businesses. Marketing, online presence and social media. I don’t think I’ve come across a creative or entrepreneur who genuinely enjoys it…In fact, I’m pretty confident I can here them all simultaneously groaning at the fact. Ryan admits that being consistent with his advertising and engagement has been one of the hardest parts of getting the business going. And as someone who has to do the same, I feel his pain! Lucky for him though, I’ve got his (and your back!) If you’re interested in learning more, giving Ryan’s businesses a follow or trialling any of his services, check him out at contact details on the bottom of this blog. You won’t be sorry!

If struggles and setbacks are good for something, other than resilience building and reminding you that life isn’t always a ‘walk in the park’ it’s learning lessons! Ryan’s learned that you don’t have to be the best in your field to start, you just need to follow Nike’s iconic words and “Just do it!” If he could give advice to any of his fellow creatives or anyone contemplating a ‘leap of faith’ into a new project, it’s to just begin. He’s not wrong when he says that the most successful people start when inspiration hits and figure it out on the way. Ryan knows from experience that you won’t be perfect at start, but you’ll gain a lot more knowledge from the experience of trial, error and everything in between. The experience of just ‘doing it’ and getting a feel for what it is like to do your chosen thing. Despite the fact that not all of us are kinaesthetic learners, we learn best through experience. (Just look at people like Sarah Davidson and her ‘Matcha Maiden’, ‘Matcha Mylkbar’ and ‘Seize The Yay’ endeavours). What is the old adage from Benjamin Franklin?  ‘Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.’


Contact Details:

Facebook – Niu Health, Niu Health Tea

Instagram - @niuhealth @niuhealth

TikTok - @niuhealthtea

Website - https://www.niuhealth.com.au/


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