About The Project.

Have you ever noticed the way that a person’s face lights up when they talk about something they’re really passionate about?

Passions light people up in a way that nothing else (except perhaps love) does. [And isn’t passion really like love rerouted anyway?!]

Here at ‘Project Passion’ I’m dedicated to sharing this luminescence with you, my readers, in the hope that it inspires them to go after whatever it is in your life that you’re passionate about.

As a writer and a storyteller, I can’t think of a better way to use my skill set than to share the wonder, magic and excitement of others’ passions and the way they’ve woven these passions into their lives, whether as a hobby, ‘side hustle’, additional/passive revenue stream or fulltime-job.

So, if you too find yourself wondering if there’s more to life, or if you could be doing something else with yours, I invite you to scroll through the blog section and read all of the successes, failures and ‘in between’ moments people have had finding, developing and working with their passions.